Hi Honey, I’m Home

I have shared before that when I started this blog, I really didn’t know why I was, other than I thought I was supposed to, to support another creative endeavor.  I started with such uncertainty and trepidation. It took me a long time to really feel at home here, but something in me said to keep going, even when I wondered, “What’s the Point” ?

What’s ironic (and irony is never lost on me…) is that I have had to put that other endeavor on the shelf, indefinitely for now, perhaps permanently, but yet this blog remains and has come to be something central to who I am. It has allowed me to become more honest with myself.  This honesty breeds direction, understanding, confidence and contentment, within myself.

I trust myself more.

I have learned to pay attention and attune myself to the quiet subtle moments that are rich with insight and import.

Stories once long forgotten are sometimes my teacher in these moments.

I can now sense the shift that occurs within me when the writing needs to happen, and how much I miss it when too much time has gone by.

I would have never guessed that this blog would persist, and that the other project, the original activity, would recede. If you had asked me then, I would have for sure predicted the inverse relationship between the two. I have written about the stunningly rich community we have here, how blogging really takes place in the comments and this amazing opportunity to develop and share a voice.

We have all talked about how these elements have impacted us as people, as writers, as friends – in ways we could never have predicted and likely would have never even believed if someone had tried to tell us. To be seen, to be understood, to be accepted through this, is a gift of epic proportion in my estimation.


The days I am kept away from blog-land – reading and/or writing – are not preferable in my opinion. When I am here, when I log-in to Word Press, I feel as if as if I have walked into a room full of friends – the virtual community is real. It’s the online Cheers, where everybody knows my name. And so much more.

The power of two.  So, its somewhat confounding to me to think of where this all began and realize that time has snuck up on me; and sit back and appreciate that over two years have gone by.  Over 200 posts I have written. How is it possible that I have had over 200 things to talk about?  Two road trips have been taken with you along for the miles.  I have met two of you in person and wow the looks I get when I share that.  And I know that two is not the end of that list!l

My life has changed, my kid has grown. This blog has changed me, in ways I could not have foreseen, but were necessary. I have grown. There has been a Freshly Pressed in the mix but to be honest, the honor is far greater when one of you is moved enough to share something of mine in your own space. That we know each other’s lives and stories because we dare to share them here, is moving to me, and something I hold closely.  I love how we have a sense of the essence of each other even though we have never met. We get each other’s humor; my days feel much more complete when I see a response to one of my comments and the reply simply says: “laughing”. Somehow a connection has occurred in that moment.

This feels like a second home in many respects.

So, I am sticking around, it is just way too much fun here!

But, I now have a much better idea of what the point is. What the point is for me. When I started, I chose the name PaperKeeper because this blog was meant to play second fiddle to that other endeavor. As time has passed, I have a better understanding of what I want to do here, why I am here.  That it is really about this endeavor.




I am ready to make some changes, and here’s how that is going to do down. We are going to start first with:

voice-girl-makeover-mondays-editA new look – it’s time to spruce things up around here. Times have changed, so we have to update our wardrobe and hair style.  In the next few weeks, or maybe days, you will notice things looking a little different. Everything on the inside will stay the same!  I have some ideas for new types of posts, but nothing radical. It will feel just like it does right now.


babynameAnd then, once that step is taken, the next phase will be that this blog is getting a new name! I have been thinking for a long time of what I want this blog to be called. It needs to reflect why I am here, not why I thought I was supposed to be here.  It’s probably been over a year and I was waiting until it just came to me. I am a ‘I will know it when I know it‘ kind of person, and I percolate in the meantime. The best part is that a great friend of mine helped me see what was already right in front of me.  The new name will be revealed soon, but I will give you a hint, I have used the phrase around here already! If you think you know, no spoilers!



And, then the last step will be a new address.  The www will change. No more paperkeeper.wordpress.com.  It will be http://www.somethingsomething.com!  WP assures me that everything will be seamless, but course, like with any move, it’s making me a bit anxious.  I want you all to come with me, of course, so when I get ready to load the truck, I will tell you ahead of time what my new address will be. If anyone has gone through this, please let me know if you have any good tips/tricks you learned in the process.


It’s going to feel a little like being in WITSEC at first;  new look, new name, and a new address, but the important difference is I won’t be in hiding, or without all of my friends!  One step at a time, but change is exciting, its keeps things fresh and new. It seems impossible to convey my gratitude to all of you for making this everything that it is.

Amazing. Remarkable. Safe. Challenging. Fun. Home.


44 thoughts on “Hi Honey, I’m Home

  1. Oh, oh!! Can I come to the blogwarming party too? Please?!? Even though I am so very late to this one, I’ll show up on time, I promise 🙂

    Bon!! I am so excited for your upcoming move, but more than that, I’m so glad you’re here and that you decided to keep being here when other endeavors got put on the shelf. We are so lucky to have you, my friend, we really are. xoxoxoxoxox


    • Yes! Yes! Of course, you can come to the blogwarming party too! There is no end to this party, so you can’t be late! I am sooooo glad I decided to stick around too, to think I *almost* hung up my keyboard?! NO! So lucky to be here! xoxoxo


  2. Bonnie… a Cheers reference?!? Amazing! First Fannie with the Chocolate Bourbon Cake reference, then our meeting on Amb’s page, and now this! I’ve been watching quite a bit of Cheers lately (I’m in season 7 now). The move will be seamless. We were blogging for about 6 months before Arto bought FunnyNamesBlog.com, and it went off without a hitch. Enjoy your move!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dave! Yes, a Cheers reference – how could I not!? This WP community is totally a Cheers place! (Just don’t call me Norm! 🙂 ) So glad you are watching it. I watched it all the years it was on, because, well. ahem, I am old enough to have done that! Ha! Love the overlaps too – so awesome! Seven kinds of it too 😉 So you did the same thing..went from a name.wordpress.com to FunnyNamesBlog.com and all the followers and comments and everything was cool and seamless??


    • David M. Carlson, I can’t believe you got here before I did! Way to show me up, babe. I’m teasing, of course. I love that you’re here – Bonnie is wonderful and you should come back. Often. xo.


    • Dianne! Yes…still here with no plans to go anywhere, and so glad you’re back on the blogscape these days!! Here’s to a little paint and rearranging the furniture, so to speak! 🙂


  3. I cannot agree with you enough, Bonnie. Congratulations on two years and over 200 posts! It has been a joy to read and get to know you through your writing. I can’t wait to see what else you can come up with and how the blog will change. 🙂


    • Jessica, thanks!! So much! So glad you have been, and will be, along for the ride! It’s amazing how we get to know one another through our words on the screen! Here’s to the next phase! 🙂


  4. I’m SO excited to see the new look (though I can cop to knowing the name)..And you know my opinion – as long as this post contains the same content – the part of your soul that you so generously share – then I will be here with anticipation and delight and love.


    • Lori! Yes, a new chapter, that’s a great way to put it, as you always do. I am SO glad you are along for the ride, it would so not be the same without you. Counting on you for sure. Buckle up! 🙂


    • Sandy Sue – you will be able to find me, I promise to leave lots of breadcrumbs and if all goes as I think, everything should just switch over ..fingers crossed! Thank you, btw! 🙂


    • Ah, David, love that. Soul Sister…just nodding. It’s somethin’, isn’t it, all of this? Thank you for, well, just getting it. And being here.


  5. I just started blogging in January and I have changed my mind so many times about what I wanted it’s direction to be. It is so refreshing to hear that I am not alone!
    I’ve said that blogging is like a better social network. I choose whose lives I want to be included in, and others can decide if they take any interest in mine. It is exactly what you said- a sense of community.
    Congratulations on your upcoming changes!


    • Hi Courtney, welcome to the blogging community, it’s truly life-changing in all the best ways. I look forward to hearing your ‘voice’ here. You are definitely not alone, I think it goes without saying, but I will say it anyway (that’s what we do!) that we all struggle in some way or another, with what direction to take in our blogs, at least I did; just so grateful I pushed through and kept going. It is a better social network, that’s a great way to put that – thanks!


  6. NORM! 00PS….BON! 🙂
    I knew you’d figure out how to make this change with style…and I’m so looking forward to the updo on the new you whoo hoo. haha. Can’t wait to come visit the new abode, just be sure to keep the porch…and a big driveway. SOME people we love drive big ol’ trucks and we must leave lots of room. Congrats on making the last two years the best they can be Bon…very proud of you. Now….can I have a glass of wine or what?


    • NORM! THAT’s funny!! I will for sure make sure that the front porch is swept and set up with wine, glasses and some eats. The driveway can easily accommodate a truck or a mini and everything in between, there is room for all of us. It’s been an awesome and epic couple of years..here’s to whatever and all that is next! Your wine awaits… xoxo


  7. yay! Looking forward to all of the above 🙂 And when you have your new home, I will be over with a housewarming pan of bars or pie or some such thing. And a pitcher of margaritas.

    Wonderful musings, Bonnie. Makes me wish I had known you then. Though mostly glad I know you now.


    • Thanks Liz..and I love it! Housewarming, or should we say, “Blogwarming”!? No matter if you are bringing a pitcher of margaritas! And I love that you wish you’d been around since the beginning, me too, but yes, just glad that blogland has brought us together now! Cheers to change and new things in our lives! 🙂


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