She had to ask

Standing at street’s edge; waiting for the light.

A dynamic, vibrant, bustling world class city.

Next to us a young woman stands, waiting.

Poised, stylish, together, confident in her own skin kind of way.

An unlit cigarette in hand.

The signature scarf worn in that effortless and elegant way;

the way of Parisian women.

We catch a moment’s contact of eyes

and then return to our impersonal, stoic forward stares.


I sense movement to my left and turn.

She leans in, so subtly in her graceful way.

Parlez vous Francais?

She had not pegged us as tourists.

There was the chance.

She had to ask.



But my eyes said more.


Merci beaucoup.


15 thoughts on “She had to ask

  1. Lovely imagery, I can see her and I remember how the French women looked so elegant when I was travelling through Paris in my backpacker clothes. We really did feel underdressed.


    • David, thank you! Was a highlight of the trip for sure. I may have acted like a giddy American once beyond her sights. I’ll never tell 🙂


  2. Love re-living this chance encounter with you, Bon. Had a similar experience with a French gentleman in Barcelona. Wanted so, so badly to answer in the affirmative when he asked, but sadly, I, too, had to say ‘Non.’ Ah well, a connection was made nonetheless…. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love that you totally get it! There was no connection so to speak, other than in that instant, but the lasting effect of her question was obviously of impact on me! To not be pegged as the “American Tourist” was lovely! Now, I want to hear about this connection in Barcelona… 😉


  3. What’s this? You’re writing stories? Provocative and ooh la la ones like this? I am intrigued Bon (that means good in french ya know)! Is this fiction or non? Is that your (awesome) photo up there?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Rhon! Not writing stories now…just a reflection of a pretty cool moment! Keeping it real my friend, this is non-fiction, it really happened 🙂 And yes, my (awesome) photo up there!

      Liked by 1 person

        • Rhon, thank you!! it was a recent adventure and this particular moment came home in the suitcase of mind and memory – I had to get it into words – to not be automatically pegged as American tourists was pretty darn cool I must say. To do more of this will of course require more travel…to both of which I say, tres bien! 🙂 xo

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