What Are You Searching For?

Every so often, I like to take a look at my WordPress dashboard. I am a little geeky that way, and frankly love all the behind-the-scenes, or under-the-hood stuff that makes it all run.  Long ago, early on in my illustrious blogging journey, I learned to stop fixating on the numbers and focus more on the engagement.

As for the comments, well, that goes without saying. Absolutely amazing.

And, seeing on the world map of where my blog posts are read never ceases to fascinate me.  Someone in the Maldives read what I have to say? I had to consult Google to get some coordinates.  Wonder how it translates in their language of Dhivehi?


It’s fun to see everything under the hood, but what I realized is truly the most entertaining are the search terms that bring folks to right here. This screen.  We all use categories, and tags, like breadcrumbs, hoping to lead horses to water and give them something to drink. Right?

So, we use terms like ‘television dramas‘, ‘life lessons‘, ‘encouragement‘, “mindfulness” , “photography” and “inspiration” . Oh and by the way, I went to a few of your blogs to find and borrow your tags. Recognize yourself in any of these?

I tend to ramble on about life, how I see it, what I think about it and perhaps what I would like it to be. So, some of my frequently used tags are in the vein of:   life, lessons learned, observations, growth, change, insights, etc.

Looking at the list of search terms that show up in my dashboard from over the last year, it’s no surprise to find things like:

friends are the family we choose for ourselves

something that I used to know

let it go

And even this one:  “reading is sexy“.  I can see how someone searching for that would land on this post.

And while hard to relate to , this search term “bam bam the whale”  definitely has some resonance with this post, and of course “smores in sugar cones” takes you straight to the Campfire Cones post. That’s a no brainer.

All fine and good.  So, I keep reading, and there are a few benign search terms like:

end of school countdown

perfectionist mindmapping

fine line between black and white


how to play jacks

But, intermittently, it gets fun.  For example, these:

rubber swim girl


boy pick toe

dose migraine pain smell stink

kangaroo drum roll

I am trying to not think about the fact that someone typed in “bleh” and ended up my blog. Bleh!

But the best, I saved for last…

Hot dog bun underwear.

I could not imagine what I could have ever written that would be a match for that search term. So, naturally, I had to find out. Hi ho, hi ho, off to Google I go.

hot dog bun underwear

Turns out, I wrote a post about being disorganized, not being able to finish one thought before starting another as I packed for last year’s Mother/Son camping trip. Hot dog buns, are of course, on any good mama’s camping list. And, though we know that beyond the one pair in use at time of arrival,  the extras tucked in the bag are rarely worn, underwear is packed for all good little campers. Who could possibly know that those two otherwise unrelated items would be what brought someone right HERE?!

And, now I know, there is such a thing as hot dog bun underwear. I mean, who knew, right? Next time someone searches for that, and arrives here, they are most welcome {Waving, hi!}.  I am kind of thinking though, that I don’t want to know anything about the folks who are searching for ‘boy pick toe‘ or ‘rubber swim girl‘.

I am so curious now. Go check under the hood; I would love to know the weirdest, funniest search term that someone typed into the Google search bar and were led and arrived on your blog.

Last but not least, ever wonder if your search terms are hiding out in someone’s WordPress dashboard?

Happy Searching…


33 thoughts on “What Are You Searching For?

    • Pam..oh, that is so unusual, definitely very odd!! And 7 people? What a strange search term! Did you Google it to see which post you have written that made the connection between the search term and your blog? It was a fun investigation with the hot dog bun underwear – very amusing!


  1. Hey Bon-R-U. Hotdogs in buns boxers. Nice (hidden) apparel to round out the celebration of the 4th of July and gear up for barbequing. And yes, I am. You saw this coming, right? You should have.
    Appreciate your post. I have a book (The War of Art) that’s nearly screaming at me to get back into…it’s about fighting resistance. Oh, the irony.


    • Oh the irony. Irony is rarely, if ever, lost on me, but I did not connect the dots on hot-dog-bun underwear and the at-the-time impending 4th of July bbq-ing! Ah well! Hope you wore yours well while wielding your favorite manly Q tool!


  2. fun stuff, Bonnie! will admit to never wondering of even thinking to wonder what search terms lead to my posts. Hoping folks who like food find me and tend to leave it at that. I met you anyway 🙂 Building a community through blogging is unlike any friendship forming I’ve done. Night owls, pink t-shirts, etc. Maybe I’ll dare take a peek under food for fun’s hood eventually, but until then I’ll just enjoy your stories 🙂


    • Hi Liz!

      I am just geeky that way, the search terms have amused me for quite some time, but the hot dog bun underwear took it to a new level for me!

      And yes, the community building through blogging is something else, isn’t it? I would have never dreamed up something so cool. I love that I have connected with you and the other friends I’ve come to know through our blogs over the last 18 months. Very different from any other friendship forming, as you say, for sure. I think it’s so much more real – the way we can share here is different than many conversations in day-to-day.

      So, go take a peek! Let me know your favorite one! 🙂


    • Hi Vicki…Oh good! Glad it gave you the spark to check under your hood…let me know what you found and if any are surprising in a weird or humorous way!!


  3. This is a great post, Bonnie. I also look at search terms for my blog and saw one the other day that made me laugh – it read “Dianne Gray is so cool” -. LOL – I wonder if it was another blogger doing it on purpose to give me a giggle 😀


    • Dianne, that is awesome, and true! Dianne Gray is so cool! I love it! Did you find the post that it led to? Now, we could all play fun little pranks on one another, yes. I responded to a comment from Mimi, realizing now I should have thought of it for the post, but good thing that Google has not entered the online dating world!! What funny matches that might create! 😀


  4. Reading is sexy, indeed! What a fun way to start my morning – thanks so much for sharing this, Bon! Loved getting a peek under the PaperKeeper hood 😀 xooox


    • Hi Amb!
      Yes indeed, reading is very sexy! Glad you enjoyed – we all need a little comic relief and thought the peek under the hood revealed some, shall we say, interesting tidbits! You must have some good ones too! xox


        • Yay! So glad you found a little inspiration here! I knew you would find a good one, and this is perfect for your blog! So cute! You probably know which post it connects to yes?

          Sent you a little sumpthin’ earlier today 🙂 It’s so good to have found a fellow word-nerd!

          Hope your Tuesday is treating you well…it’s 108 and muggy here, just icky. No nice way to put it. I think we’re in this soup until Saturday.



          • Yup, I sure do! It’s a Friends/Ross and Rachel/Dave reference, lol. You know, just one of those super typical topics that comes up on blogs everywhere 😀

            I saw that you sent me something and am SO LOOKING FORWARD to when I get home tonight so that I can properly watch it! It won’t display on my phone, but I will report back as soon as I’ve seen it! Can’t wait !!!

            Mmm, soup. It’s cool out here. Doesn’t feel like July at all!


            • OMG yes! It must be the heat that made my brain go mushy and not make the connection! I love that episode! And right, I am sure it shows up on blogs worldwide! 😀

              Enjoy the cool…this stuff over here is amazingly miserable, 😉


    • Diana…love the sing song quality to ha ha hot dog bun underwear!! Definitely google some of the search terms in your own dashboard – so funny to see and really makes ya wonder about some folks! 😀


  5. Love giggling to start the day. I’m off to do a little geeky investigating myself now, I’m more than a little curious…will let ya know if I find something ‘interesting’…xoxo


    • Hi Lori! That one got me scratching my head, that’s for sure. I mean, who are these people? I think they are friends with the folks who come up with ice cream flavor and paint color names, right?! Glad it inspired a giggle! Happy day to you my friend, xo


    • Look and see…could be fun, especially with ‘karma’ in your blog title!! I know, boy pick toe…I didn’t ‘research’ that one..not sure I want to! Thank goodness Google is not in the online dating game…think of the crazy matches! xo


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